Saturday, July 29, 2006

Ohhh the highs and lows of life at camp medley...I'm tired frustrated and I've lost all patience. There were days where I wanted to come home hide under my bed and stay there..Then there were days that the thought of leaving made me sick. My mind is racing and the last 4 weeks are a blurr.This year has been a test and a challenge and at points I lost sight of my goal but now I realize more clearly then ever that if the events of this year hadn't of happened I'd be a very different person. For better or for worse? I don't know, but I'm slowly starting to except the fact that what I think doesn't matter cause it's in the past and nothing I do or think will change that. I feel like a hypocrite and an actor and have been living a lie , in fact I have been and I'm sick of it. I feel like I have entered the perverbeal eye of the storm. well it's time to rest my tired bones.

--oh how i wish my brain was a toaster. i could unplug it when i don't want it doesn't start fires in my life.
