Friday, December 15, 2006

I'm starting to think that our entire generation has been brain washed into thinking that if we don't go to university or finnish high school that we can do nothing with our lives.that people who don't continue with school have no hope for a happy breaks my heart that this is what we are taught.sure university can be great.sure you might get a better job, sure you may make more money..but happiness?.happiness has nothing to do with the level of education you recieved.Saying this dosn't meen that i'm not going on to university or even encourage others not to either.i'm just thinking that god has a plan for everyones matter what grade you is a wonderful privilage..but you don't need a degree to say that you have been educated.i would love to simply talk to the world..And get an eduaction from first hand expirences..not from a text book.


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Starting to think..maybe school just ain't for me.